We are introducing a new NHS service for monitoring blood pressure which is called Florence. This is being used throughout Highland and has been well received by both patients and medical staff. You may be asked to enrol on this when you are next in contact with us regarding your blood pressure.
If you have a mobile phone (any mobile phone, even if it is not a smart phone) you can be enrolled. The service is free of charge, even if your mobile phone tells you will be charged.
You will need a blood pressure machine (sphygmomanometer) - these are available to buy online if you do not already have one, or can be loaned from the surgery free of charge.
You will be sent text messages asking you first of all to text ‘YES’ to enrolment, and then you will receive further messages asking you to send your blood pressure readings back to Florence. These readings will then be collated and sent to us for assessment. You may receive text messages every day for a week, or less frequently for a longer period of time, depending on which programme we enrol you into.
For further information on how to measure your blood pressure, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfwBpBXUYHs#action=share
We have Florence patient information leaflets at Reception if you would like further information, or one of these can be emailed out to you.
Please also find them below.
Florence Information leaflet
Florence Patient Privacy Notice
Florence Patient Enrolment